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CTEF 2018 Art Contest Award Announcement

Writer's picture: Xin GeXin Ge

Updated: Jan 18, 2019

Dear friends and families of CTEF 2018 Art Contest participants:

尊敬的CTEF 2018 儿童绘画大赛参赛者及朋友们,

Thank you all for your participation of our annual event.


CTEF 8th Annual Art Contest has received almost 300 entries from U.S., Canada and China. With professional evaluation by artists from WOACC, we have our winners for this year. All these works reflect the theme "That Beautiful Moment" with interesting ideas. Our young artists applied a diverse artistic techniques to a variety of themes, sharing us the beauty of life. We were amazed and intrigued by these touching moments captured by young hearts.

CTEF第八届绘画比赛在孩子们络绎不绝的由世界各地发来画作中拉开序幕。收集的近300幅精彩画作,用艺术家评审老师们的专业艺术眼光,在紧锣密鼓的评选中,若干获奖作品脱颖而出。而这些作品无不诠释了今年艺术绘画比赛 “美好瞬间” 主题,孩子们用尽各种题材以绘画形式描述了生活中满满的美好与幸福,很多作品令人沉醉与深思,耐人寻味。现场评委以及工作人员无不为之感慨与动容,生活中点滴的美好瞬间无不尽现孩子们眼眸,深深的感恩我们所拥有的一切,并感受着生命的美妙。

2018 CTEF Art Contest Judge -Rules and Guidelines

The art works are evaluated by senior artists from WOACC, our event partner on unbiased , merit and fair base. 2018年CTEF艺术绘画比赛 评画方式与宗旨: 此次绘画比赛评选由华州中华美术家协会资深艺术家担任评委,以公平公正为基本原则。

This year contest is divided into five group by number of entries: 评选分为五组: Division 1: Pre-K and Kindergarten; 第一组: 学前班 Division 2: First and second grade; 第二组: 一二年级 Division 3: Third and Fourth Grade; 第三组: 三四年级 Division 4: Fifth, Six, and Seventh Grade; 第四组: 五六七年级 Division 5: Eighth grade and above. 第五组: 八年级以上

For each group, we have

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Award of Excellence and event Favorite Award 评选分为五个奖项: 一等奖;二等奖;三等奖;优秀奖 及 最佳人气奖。

The Judge Panel is made up 6 artists with different specialty and background. Our staff records all votes and announces result for each evaluation step, monitored by judge panels and other volunteers. The art works (printed or original if available) are evaluated onsite with all panel presented. Each artist picks top choices into the common pool. Then the works in the pool will be voted on by panel board with result sorted in order to determine the award ranking. During the evaluation, artists based on the same criteria: creativity, theme, color and structure, original work. Some times our artists share the same opinion, but there are many heated discussion as well. It is interesting and amazing to see that each artist expresses his/her opinions on these work during this process. 评选由6位不同领域及背景艺术家老师组成评审团,由一位工作人员协助记录评审结果,在全体工作人员的监督下唱票。采取现场实地集体评比原画(或打印画作)的方式。由艺术家老师分别自行选取心仪作品,放在Pool中,进而投票决定1,2,3等奖及优秀奖。评审过程中,艺术家老师们采取一致原则1. 立意新颖2. 主题突出3. 色彩和谐4. 构图完整. 5. 画作均为原创作品。评审现场,评审老师们时而意见高度一致,时而唇枪舌剑,讨论激烈,表达自己观点,捍卫自己心仪的画作,精彩那一瞬,是如此深刻与美好。

For more about the history of this event, please visit 如果您有意了解CTEF历届艺术绘画比赛详情,请查看官网

To share our experience, we would like to invite you to our first art exhibition held on Dec 15, 2018-Dec 16, 2018 at Yuming Fine Art. We welcome you to vote onsite for the Favorite Art Award!

为广大艺术爱好者呈现孩子们最美好的瞬间,兹定于2018年12月15日,16日于鱼鸣画廊为孩子们举办【明日中华基金会“美好瞬间”儿童画展】欢迎各界朋友前来参观。 届时我们诚挚邀请您为您心仪作品投上您最宝贵的一票,得票最多的画作将会得到最佳人气奖。您的投票十分重要。

Exhibition Time画展时间: Dec. 15th. 2018 Saturday 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Dec. 16th. 2018 Sunday 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Exhibition Location画展地点: Yuming Fine Art Studio (Paragon Art Gallery) 14815 210th. Ave. NE Woodinville WA 98077

We plan to hold award ceremony at Microsoft Spring Festival event thanks to sponsorship of CHIME. We will announce the details about award ceremony as we learn more details.

感谢合作方微软华协的支持, 我们初步计划在微软春晚场地举办发奖仪式。 具体情况或时间地点更新我们会后续通知。

CTEF 2018 Art Contest Committee

画展评委介绍: 朱瑜明:1994聚众,一起创立华州中华美术家协会。1996, 担任会长。原籍上海,自小跟随导师学书习画。出黑板报,画宣传画。画山水时,还加上个祖国山河多娇的标题。艰难时期,立誓也要“弃医从文”,用笔拯救灵魂。八十年代初,参加大学诗社,杜文撰诗一时。1991,在美国获得临床心理咨询硕士学位。多年来,双重人格般地从事心理辅导和艺术创作。 邓作列:著名旅美书画篆刻家,中国广东省人大海外列席代表,华州中华美术家协会现任会长,天津商业大学艺术学院客座教授,曾在国内外多个博物馆举办艺展,部份作品被多个博物馆、大学、图书馆收藏,出版有十几册个人专集,多次在国内外荣获奖项,艺术造诣深厚。


仝雪莲:华州中华美术家协会现任副会长,灵感文化传播有限责任公司首席执行官,热衷于各项公益事业,意为华州社区尽一分绵力,学染织,做设计,爱绘画,营结艺,品人生善公益。 甘恩慈:华州中华美术家协会会员,自幼研習國畫,1989年從台灣到美國留學定居。2009年從電腦業退休之後,重拾畫筆,特擅長於山水寫意,以大自然為師,抒發真善美之情懷。現任普及灣水墨協會副會長,畫作常年在柯克蘭的畫廊展出。曾在美展獲獎數次。 Jas 简之:毕业于美国加州州立大学,美国油画家协会会员,美国女艺术家协会会员,西雅图当代艺术中心会员,西雅图Artists trust 会员。作品参展于北美及欧洲的各个画廊及当代艺术中心,也曾被英国伦敦的萨奇画廊选中展览,被美国Artists trust选中拍卖。作品连续多年被当代艺术中心选中编入年鉴,更是各画廊中作品最受观者喜爱的艺术家之一。


All Award Winning Works Can Be Visited Here


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