明日中华教育基金会(CTEF)2019年度晚宴于4/28/2019 在中国海景大酒楼举行。
CTEF 2019 Annual Dinner was held in the China Harbor Restaurant on April 28th, 2019.

Bellevue 前市长,市议员李瑞麟出席并致辞,鼓励更多的华人参与到服务社区活动中来。
The former mayor of Bellevue, City Council Conrad Lee attended the feast and delivered a speech, encouraging more Chinese to participate in the activities that serve the community.

刘岳副会长介绍了年会的筹款项目并答谢了赞助年会项目的朋友。今年的筹款为甘肃贫困地区筹集了60多个图书角, 受益学生3000余人。
Vice President Liu Yue introduced the annual meeting’s fundraising project and thanked the friends who sponsored it. The fundraising project this year had raised more than 60 book corners for the distressed areas in Gansu, which benefitted more than 3000 students.

President Ge Xin introduced the operation of project and the capital of the foundation under the new regulation.
她进一步介绍了2018年的学校项目, 包括十一个贵州幼儿班设施,为扶助弱势群体的爱希学校提供的冷暖设备和牙科技工设备项目, 与西部阳光合作的位于云南的阳光童趣园, 以及多个贵州的学校配套设备项目。 基金会在2018年资助教师11名。另外, 一对一项目资助学生183名。来自中国的义工张馨予还通过录像介绍了自己如何从一对一助学项目受益人, 成长为一名公益教师, 进而成为传递爱心的基金会义工。贵州义工兰光庭也在录象中介绍了基金会项目对当地带来的影响。今年的特别嘉宾是来自北京爱希学校的金校长。 她用自己从事公益的经历和爱希学校对弱势群体青少年的影响深深打动了现场的客人。
She further introduced the school projects established in 2018, which included 11 facilities in the kindergartens in Guizhou, the heating and cooling equipment and dental technology equipment projects given to the Aixi School who offered help to the disadvantaged groups, the Sunshine Children's Fun Center in Yunnan, which was build through cooperating with the Western Sunshine Foundation, and supporting equipment projects in many schools in Guizhou. The Foundation subsidized 11 teachers in 2018, and the one-on-one project had subsidized 183 students. Also, Zhang Xinyu, a volunteer from China, recorded a video introducing how she grew from being a beneficiary of the one-to-one student aid program to a charity teacher, and later became a volunteer in the Foundation that passes love to others. Guizhou volunteer Lan Guangting also used a video to explain the influence the projects had on the local area. This year's special guest was Principal Jin from the Beijing Aixi School. Her own experience in public welfare and her presentation about the influence of the Aixi School on the disadvantaged youth deeply touched the guests in the meeting.
The Little Masters was a long-term strategic partner of the Foundation, and it Choir group brought a wonderful performance to the Foundation's dinner. Additionally, the performances of the kung fu boys, who participated in many annual meetings in the past, also won the ardent applause of the audience.
Thanks to the old and new friends for their support to the Foundation!