Jia Dai,董事,副会长(中国)
Jia joined CTEF in May of 2017. She is a new immigrant from Beijing and comes to Seattle several times every year. Jia will help to set up CTEF Beijing office and coordinate the projects in China.
葛新从2000年起就职于金融业。葛新从小深受父母关心帮助贫困学生的影响。 尽管家庭负债,父亲毅然坚持多年用教师奖金资助系里的贫困学生。 来到西雅图后,葛新在了解到中华教育基金会的义举后于2008年参与志愿活动。
Gia Guo,董事,副会长
Gia graduated from Business School of George Washington University, and worked as a professional CPA for a few years. After she moved from New York to Seattle in 2009, she decided to apply her passion to a real estate career. Gia became interested in CTEF after the annual dinner in 2015, and she is active in community service and dedicated to helping disadvantaged children in her home country China.
Mindy He,助学项目负责人
Mindy He was a teacher at a teacher school in Beijing. As a teacher, Mindy believes that education can change the future of anyone. After learning about CTEF through a friend, she became a member of CTEF and committed herself to help underprivileged students in China. She is now in charge of the 1+1 program.
Mengke Li,董事,教师奖项目负责人
Mengke works as a software engineer at Microsoft, who develops products and services as part of Microsoft's office365 solutions. She joined CTEF in 2012 and started serving as the board member since 2013. Her passion is to help these needed students and oversees various school projects. Starting in March 2017, Mengke starts to co-serve the treasure duties for CTEF. Mengke received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Prior to that she graduated from HuaZhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan city.
Cecelia Yan, 董事,公关宣传,筹款
Cecelia works as a principal data science manager at Microsoft and has been working in finance and tech industries for over 10 years. She witnessed that children in one rural area of China fought for living and couldn’t afford school, when she was young taken by her father to help there. After that she has been dedicated to supporting the lives of impoverished children in China with donations for years. In 2022, she decided to join CTEF for volunteering her time in various programs and directly making a real difference in young children from China in need, inspired by Microsoft GIVE campaign and CTEF mission.
Vicky Liu, 董事
Vickie was born and raised in Hebei, China and is now a Boston based software engineer. Inspired by the mission that CTEF is committed to, she became a supporter of CTEF in 2022, and then a volunteer who maintains the social media platforms of CTEF. Vickie is passionate about helping underprivileged students in China and she believes that every kid can make a difference with the opportunity of quality education. Vickie received her Master's degree in Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to that she graduated from Tianjin University in China.
杨清越, 董事, 秘书长(中国)
Qingyue has always held great passion for helping children in education. She believes the best education should nurture responsibility and curiosity.
Peng Zhang
Peng Zhang joined CTEF at the beginning of 2012, starting as a volunteer. He enjoyed that CTEF was helping children in rural areas of China. Now Peng is CTEF’s general secretary, responsible for PR with China and cooperation with sister organizations.
Ran Guo,
(Legal Counsel, China)
1. 非营利组织常年及专项法律服务
- 2013年以来持续为包括基金会、民办非企业单位以及境外非政府组织等在内的非营利组织提供合规风控管理、治理结构优化等方面的常年及专项法律服务,参与项目论证并出具法律意见,就捐赠合同、项目执行协议及合作协议等提供法律意见,就专项事务与业务主管单位及民政、公安等部门进行沟通协调等。
- 现任北京市西部阳光农村发展基金会监事、北京沃启公益基金会监事、深圳市霁风绿色金融促进中心(暨中国责任投资论坛中国责任投资论坛China Social Investment Forum)监事、社会价值投资联盟(深圳)专家;深圳国际公益学院客座讲师。
- 曾经提供和正在服务的社会组织,包括中国妇女发展基金会、中国神经科学学会、陈香梅公益基金会、浙江省妇女儿童基金会、福建省恒申慈善基金会、福建省兴业证券慈善基金会、北京童学公益基金会、北京楷祺心血管公益基金会、北京百度公益基金会、深圳市香港中文大学(深圳)教育基金会、国际合作志愿组织-我们的家园(意大利)北京代表处等。
2. 慈善立法与研究
3. 慈善信托实务
4. 社会组织法律培训
Shirley Li
Shirley has been working as a tax CPA in various national and regional public accounting firms since 2008. She has extensive experience in tax compliance and consulting for NFP organizations, partnerships, corporations and individuals, with federal and state income tax, as well as related international tax filings. Shirley is a contributing editor of the 'Form 990 Compliance Guide', an online treatise published by the CCH. She is also a member of AICPA and WSCPA.
Michelle Yingyi Zou
Founder and CEO at Pacific Technologies Consulting Group (PTCG), Michelle Yingyi Zou is building a consulting, training, coaching, and marketing business focusing on US-China cross border opportunities, and facilitating organizations to learn from each other across the Pacific Ocean. In addition, she is a business and leadership coach specializing in helping leaders and professionals grow their business and achieve their career goals. She is also a management and marketing consultant and trainer for Microsoft, a board of director at Washington State China Relations Council, and a public speaker frequently speaks in China invited by the US Embassy in China. She is passionate about education and have been leading and volunteering in China Tomorrow Education Foundation (CTEF), and has served as the president of CTEF in the past.