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Writer's picturebrandonpeng2024


(By Xin Ge)


CTEF’s projects mainly cover three areas: school, students, and teachers. At the same time, each year we will pilot into some new areas. This year, we launched two pilot projects-"Music Classroom" and "Youth Wisdom Boot Camp" to enhance vision of students in rural China and to inspire passionate students and teachers to explore a broader world for more potential.

“音乐课堂” 计划对甘肃, 贵州,云南,天津等地六所中小学捐赠西洋与民族乐器。本项目由天津联合助学基金会发起执行、明日中华教育基金会全力捐赠并建设维护课件平台、小大师聚乐部助力培训。项目分两个阶段。第一阶段捐赠乐器给学校老师,并组织义工利用暑假进行系统授课和一对一教师培训,同时整合现有的网络课程和由义工提供的课件构建了课件共享网站。经过一个暑假的培训,我们欣喜地看到老师们基本都能独立演奏简单曲目了!校长们纷纷表示这对他们是从无到有,零的突破。第二阶段,自今年秋季学期开始,各学校音乐课堂将使用基金会提供的第二批乐器进行现场展示,演奏和鉴赏,尝试音乐课堂新思路。这个项目是三家组织密切合作的最辛苦的项目之一,但成果也是显著的。

Music Classroom brings sets of music instruments to 6 schools in Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tianjin, and other regions. The project is initiated and operated in China by Tianjin United Education Foundation, with CTEF sponsorship and creation of the sharing platform, Little Masters Club’s dedicated volunteer tutoring support. In stage one, CTEF sponsored teachers with music instruments. Volunteers then coordinate teacher-trainings, curriculum-building, and resource sharing among schools and teachers. After a summer of training, we are impressed to see many teachers can proudly perform music instruments. For many, this is a breakthrough and lifetime experience. In stage two during the fall semester, more instruments are sent to schools so the teachers can use these instruments to demonstrate, perform, and greatly enhance the effectiveness of music class. This is one of the hardest projects we have executed due to the amount of coordination, complexity in communication, and number of volunteers participated, and platforms involved—but we are so proud to see the result!

“少年智更强” 竞赛项目为参赛学校的学生和教师提供科技培训资料,设备,及益智玩具等, 同时鼓励学校开展相关的课后社团。该项目目前正处于组织有兴趣的师生参加英语,世界知识,和科技三个竞赛的阶段,后面会陆续呈现竞赛成果和评奖,欢迎大家关注。希望能通过这一项目,发展学生兴趣特长,挖掘师生潜能,同时通过团队合作培养领导能力,沟通能力和协作能力,拓展书本以外的个人技能。

The “Youth Wisdom Boot Camp” provides students and teachers in participating schools with extracurricular materials and educational toys. Schools are strongly encouraged and supported to start clubs in English, World Knowledge and STEM areas. Competitions in these areas are ongoing now to encourage motivated students to present their achievements. We welcome you to follow us on our blog for the progress. We hope to encourage students that are passionate, eager to learn and motivated to explore, collaborate in team, build leadership, and we wish to see more teachers can be inspired to explore with students in breadth and depth.

在这里,我们要特别感谢我们的合作伙伴:天津联合助学基金会和小大师聚乐部, 也感谢所有的义工们无私地付出!更要感谢大家长期的支持!

We want to sincerely thank our partners, Tianjin United Education Foundation and Little Masters Club, thanks all the work from volunteers, and thank all of you for your support!


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