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Writer's picturePatrick Peng

An Unexpected Meeting 意外相识

作者: Lily Yin, 翻译: 彭博远

去年小大师GEST资助了56名贫困学生。机缘巧合,我和孩子在丰台见到一位暑期来北京打工的甘肃学生。女孩一直和父亲一起生活,17岁的时候,父亲不幸车祸,做了开颅手术,她因为照顾父亲学业受到影响,去年考上了室内设计的专科。她学习很努力,希望能够在两年内专转本。看她在为自己的目标而努力,真为她高兴。听她诉说在花季的年龄甚至想到过死亡,心都是痛的。高兴的是她最终挺过来了,当一个19岁的孩子对我说:“回头看,人生没有过不去的坎儿。” 我觉得生活的挫折已经为她积累下人生第一笔财富。她的父亲现在开始慢慢能生活自理,这个家庭又有了盼头。GEST也会继续支持她未来的学业。我们非常感谢当地的义工袁爷爷年年走访当地的贫困学生家庭,每年为他们申请助学金,感谢明日中华每年帮助审核,提供资助平台,而我们小大师的孩子们每年月饼义卖,微软募捐,中文学校旧货义卖等所筹的的善款都传到了有需要的孩子身上。

An Unexpected Meeting

(By Lily Yin, Translated by Patrick Peng)

Last year, the Little Masters GEST Club funded 56 impoverished students. Coincidentally, my child and I met a Gansu student who came to work in Beijing during the summer. The girl had been living with her father, but at the age of 17 her father got in a car accident and had a craniotomy. Because she had to take care of her father, her studies have taken a big hit, but she still got into a technical school of interior design. She studies hard and hopes to transfer to an undergraduate program within two years. Seeing that she is working hard for her goals made me really happy for her. Listening to her confiding that at her blooming age she even thought of death made my heart hurt for her. I’m happy that she stood up strong and said to me as a 19-year-old: "Looking back, there are no unsurmountable obstacles in life." I think that the struggles she’s been through have given her first fortune. Her father is slowly becoming able to take care of himself, and the family has hope again.

GEST will continue to support her future studies. We are very grateful to the local volunteer Mr. Yuan for visiting the families of poor families every year and helping them apply for scholarships. In addition, thanks to China Tomorrow Education Foundation for helping with the process every year and providing a platform for funding. Finally, thanks to our Little Masters monthly cake sales, Microsoft fundraising, and the Chinese school - the money raised by old-fashioned charity sales has been passed on to the children in need.

(Picture: Serena Yin Aiden Yin, 王涵)


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