( 作者 Author 兰光庭 Guangting Lan, 编辑Editor Patrick Peng)
明日中华教育基金会的教师奖励项目(https://www.ctef.org/cn-project-teacher) 的使命是帮助在艰苦困难环境下依然热心致力于教育的民办教师、代课教师或志愿教师。在捐助者的建议下,CTEF于2011年春季开始了教师奖励项目。我们走访发现:民办教师、代课教师和志愿教师对于中国农村地区的教育开展起着至关重要的作用。但是与教育系统编制内的教师们相比,他们的收入往往不及对方收入水平的一半。这也常常导致他们的收入不足以支撑他们的家庭。 CTEF相信通过帮助民办教师、代课教师和志愿教师改善经济状况,他们能够继续为中国农村地区提供教育服务,这也能够更长远的帮助中国农村地区的学生获得教
The mission of the teacher award program ( https://www.ctef.org/project-teacher ) is to help volunteering teachers and non-government-appointed teachers, (民办教师, 代课教师或志愿教师) who are working under the hardest circumstances and are still dedicated to education.
The program was launched in the spring of 2011 after CTEF investigated a donor’s suggestion. We found that such types of teachers are crucial to education in rural China but their incomes are less than 50% of government-appointed teachers', which is often not enough to support their families. We believe that by helping these teachers financially to allow them to continue teaching in rural schools, we will help the students in rural China get a good education.
在开展教师奖的同时, 我们也一直在探访工作在一线的教师生活和需要,不断完善教师奖或发展新的项目。 2019年十月,基金会长期义工兰光庭老师走访了贵州黔东南地区的部分教师。
We are exploring the status and needs of the teacher in rural areas while we are sponsoring the teacher awards program so that we can improve our current process and discover new opportunities. Our volunteer Guangting Lan visited several teachers in Guizhou in Oct, 2019.
NO.1 高仟教学点梁光文
It has been 23 years since Mr. Guangwen Liang started teaching at age 20 in Sep 1999. His salary has improved from 120RMB to 3200 RMB. (Editor: this is reasonable in the rural area if it includes standard benefit package as the regular teacher). He worked hard and dedicated his life to the children in his rural hometown. His family has four members. His wife is a farmer. One kids in high school and tuition is around 20,000 RMB. His mom is sick with diabetes with expensive treatment. With the help of CTEF, he can afford to send his kid to high school while maintain a mid-level living standard in the village.
NO.2 前进教学点 陈胜文 走访地点:下江镇美满村,走访人:兰光庭 陈胜文老师2007年3月开始代课,工作经历:高平教学点代课3年,岑约教学点1年,祥兴小学4年,现前进小学4年(现离家比较近1公里)。现在是前进教学点负责人(即,校长)。前进教学点:一年级9人,二年级7人,陈胜文一个人教一二年级,进两年还曾获得镇上教学质量排名一等奖二等奖。前进幼儿班36人,幼儿老师2人(一个在编教师,一个当地临时聘请老师),在编教师是外县。教学楼虽是砖房,但有点破旧,墙壁脱落不堪,学校在陈胜文老师近两年的打造下,从前两年的破烂不堪变成现在的有模有样。教室设备也比较简单。几张课桌、讲桌、粉笔和一张黑板,角落虽有一个书柜,但书都是参差不齐也破烂不堪,或许是孩子们太喜欢翻阅了或是缺少管理亦或是书大多是文字为主的书籍,不大受幼儿班和一二年级的他们青睐。体育用品或玩具之类的更没看到什么。。。 陈胜文老师,家庭人口5人,爱人在从江县医院当临时工,月3000元不等,在县城租房子住;小孩在老家读三年级。老爸年过花甲,因前几年被刀所伤膝盖,今年6月份去南京医院大手术,花了6万多元。说是借了一部分钱为老爸治疗的,现渐渐康复了。弟弟在外面打工。
Mr. Shengwen Chen started teaching in Mar, 2007. He has been worked in various schools and is now the principal of his current school and won several high quality teaching award. The school building is in poor condition now; the books in libraries are not actively used, probably out of date, or too many words for lower grade kids in school; no sports facility in school.
Mr Chen's wife is a temporary worker in hospital. Their kid is in the hometown away from parents in 3rd Grade. His dad broke his knee a couple of years ago and they were in debt for all the treatment. Fortunately his dad is recovering. His brother is a migrant worker.
NO.3 中华教学点王孝林
走访地点 下江镇 走访人:兰光庭 从1999.9月开始代课到现在整整20年,家里有5口人,大孩子在从江一中读高二,一年费用1.8万元左右,爱人勤劳干练的农村妇女。第二个孩子3岁未上学,父亲60多岁,身体欠佳。王孝林老师为人老实话不多,我走访到他家天已经黑了,但王老师开摩托车到村外3公里等我,因为我不识路。吃饭间感觉王老师是一个话不多人忠厚老实型的人。20年教学经历都在6个村小教学点工作过。属于默默无闻,任劳任怨型代课老师。
关于基金会的教师奖, 王孝林老师说:”这教师奖贵基金会说是小小的奖励,是非常谦虚的话。我本人认为这是巨额的受助:首先,在精神上给我极大的鼓舞,让我对教育事业有重新的认识;其次,2016年前为我解决了在职进修学习的开支,让我有机会完成了凯里学院大专函授学业;再次,目前帮我解决了我大儿就读高中的生活费,让儿子有机继续学习。在此,衷心感谢贵基金会的慷慨解囊与大力帮助。“
Mr. Xiaolin Wang has been a temporary teacher for 20 years in six different schools. The family of 5: older kid is in high school with 18k RMB tuition and fees yearly, his wife is hard working farmer, the younger kid is only 3 years old, his father is in bad health. Mr. Wang greeted me 3 KM outside the village to guide me-- the country road is hard to drive at night without a guide.
About teacher award, Mr. Wang said, "Although CTEF says it is a SMALL reward, it is so humble. For us, it is huge. First, it inspires me, it is a recognition of my effort these years. It also let me to take another look of the education. Secondly, it helps me to complete my career training and I finished my remote junior college degree. Now, it helps me to solve the problem of tuition for my older son so he can continue to study. I am sincerely appreciate your understanding and support."