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不忘初心,携手同行 --- 2021明日中华教育基金会期待您的支持 Stay true to our mission, together we are making changes

不知不觉中又是一年,金秋时节,这里和大家一起分享回顾我们在这个不同寻常的2021 里的坚持与收获:

  • 好事多磨,经历了多次项目流程更改,合作方变更,物流延迟,位于云南宣威锦西幼儿园的童趣园项目2021年7月检验合格后正式投入使用。

  • 难能可贵,1+1 助学项目资助近250名学生,是我们资助学生人数最多的年份之一,特别是在疫情之年,非常难得。特别感谢每一位资助人!

  • 持之以恒,教师奖继续激励着长期坚持在乡村教育岗位的民办教师。

  • 雪中送炭,暖冬项目给云南省昭通市1000名孩子寒冬的求学之路送来了温暖的冬衣。

  • 时变是守,在新的环境政策变化下,延续近年开展的孤儿助养项目。

  • 开拓创新,随着国内教育形势的发展,我们也在积极探索新的发展方向,并试点了“音乐教室”和“少年智更强”多学科竞赛项目。



It is the season to share our work in this unusual year, with our persistence, but impossible without the support from our friends like you.

  • No Good Comes Easy: After multiple updates to project plans, change of the partnership, delay in the logistics, our Tong Qu Yuan project managed to be completed in July 2021, ready for the new school year.

  • Big Appreciation: 1+1 Sponsorship sponsored around 250 students -- one of the most in the number of students we supported in a year. This is especially precious in this year of pandemic. Really appreciate all our sponsors!

  • Persistence: Teacher Award continues to inspire teachers that dedicate to rural education.

  • A help in need is a help in deed: Warm winter project provides winter clothes for a thousand students in Zhao Tong city of Yunnan.

  • Adapt to changes: We continue to support children in orphanage with new partnership under current regulation.

  • Explore for growth: We are exploring more ways and better solution by piloting “Music Classroom” and “Youth Wisdom Bootcamp” in multiple subject areas.

We have been staying true to our mission since CTEF was founded twenty-one years ago.

We are operated 100% by volunteers. We ensure 100% of donations go to school projects, students, and rural teachers.

Our mission is still to improve rural educations and give students more opportunities for healthy growth and better education.

Thank you for being with us, trust us, and support us! We are looking forward to making more changes with you!


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